for TVET Colleges in South Africa that adheres to the EDLES specification
What is TVET College Suite?
TVET College Suite is an integrated solution for TVET Colleges to manage and submit examination data to the department of Higher Education and Training.
All text files generated with TVET College Suite adheres to the EDLES specifications used by the DHET.
TVET College Suite is an ongoing project and is constantly being upgraded and expanded to meet the needs of all TVET Colleges in South Africa.

Capturing examination entries per examination period/study/field/student/programme/offering.
Generating and printing of preliminary schedule of entries.
Generating an entries text file that adheres to the EDLES specification.
Generating and printing of mark sheets for all relevant programme / offering combinations.
Capturing of marks for the generated mark sheets.
Voice verification of the captured marks.
Generating a marks text file that adheres to the EDLES specification.
Integrated emailing of all text files to DHET data capturers.
Generating a detailed report of the students’ results for a specific study field / examination period.